From an Advance Healthcare Directive to a digital will, these documents will prove useful to your loved ones.
7 April 2020 08:57 / By Gareth Collier - Crue Invest (Pty) Ltd
Over above your Last Will and Testament, there are a number of other useful legacy documents which, if correctly drafted, can provide enormous assistance to your spouse, partner or loved ones in the event of a tragedy.
Advance Healthcare Directive
An Advance Healthcare Directive is similar to a living will but goes into further detail in providing your loved ones with guidance regarding end-of-life medical treatment. The document can also be used to appoint a medical proxy who will effectively be your spokesperson if you are in a medical condition where you cannot speak for yourself. Essentially, an Advance Healthcare Directive documents your wish to be allowed to pass on naturally and with dignity if there is no hope of your recovery or where death is inevitable. While the legal enforceability of an Advance Healthcare Directive cannot be guaranteed, the document is intended to provide your family and medical practitioners with guidelines for end-of-life treatment and care. The written directive can provide important detail as to how and where you wish to be treated, what interventions you permit or refuse, and how you would like your pain to be managed. It can also document your wishes in respect of artificial life support, organ and tissue donation, intubation, IV hydration, CPR, blood transfusion and palliative care.